Tag Archives: Winning

Family Vacay, Anyone?


So. After the last time I invited y’all over to spend some time at my holiday house, I decided to make a few changes. I really enjoyed everyones company, but I gotta admit, I really got sick of hearing a certain scratchy voice call out ‘Pauliieeeeeeeeeeeee!’ constantly. Wouldn’t have been so bad, except it was punctuated with a sickly sweet ‘Maa-arrrrrrrrrkkkk!’.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still keeping my leaf house. But next time there is a get together, I will be hosting at my palm house instead.

It's shaped like a palm leaf so it matches my other place. I'm clever like that.

That way everyone can have their own space.

Don’t worry, I have shark nets.

And I still have the Help.

He knows how to cook, this one. So I’m keeping him.

My villa is the one furthest out on the water, cos I need my privacy.

Everyone has their own spa bath, I got real sick of sharing last time.

And their own lounge too, since SOME people don’t like playing the All-In portion of pictionary. They can go to their own lounge and be lame.

And before you start asking, yes, there is a TV in that cupboard there, for anyone who might freak if they don’t watch Spicks & Specks.

You guys are allowed to come to my villa for sunset drinks on the balcony. But then you have to leave.

I will admit, though, sometimes I get a bit over the whole sun/sand/salt thing. Mucks up my hair. Thats when I cruise back to my forest villa. It’s actually where the help stay, but cos I’m pretty grounded and a totally awesome boss n stuffs, I don’t mind slumming it with them every now n then. But they still hafta deliver me cocktails.

See that fresh water in that pool there? Don’t splash, that shit don’t just fall from the sky you know. If you keep splashing you’re gonna hafta bring a bottle of replacement water with you when you arrive.

And since there is only so much I can handle of you guys fawning over me and carrying on about how much ya love me n stuffs (just trying to scam your way into my will, I’m sure of it), I have this restaurant sorted out so we don’t have to share meal times n stuff.

Hey look dad, a boat!

This chick’s job is just to stick fresh flowers in the water of whatever villa I happen to be on my way to.

I think these chicks might be twins or something, I dunno hey. I don’t pay them to chat.

In fact, this is starting to sound more and more like my kind of family vacay!

Time to celebrate!! Sorta kinda not really but you know…


It is official, I and my humble little bloggy blogness has had over 1000 views. Wowzers. Thats kind of cray-cray.

When I started to  write this, back in May of this year, I thought it would mostly be family checking it out, with the odd random person coming across it by accident. Well, it appears not. Apparently I talk about the kind of stuff people Google. And then Google in all it’s kindness and generosity says to them ‘Hey, I know a someone who knows a something about the thingy you’re asking me about. Why don’t you go check her out. Cos she knows stuff, and clearly she is the shiznit.’ And so they mosey on over and check out the picture of moving boxes, or my rock hand, and sometimes even my off-the-hook hair braids pics. And it is those people, not you, family, but the mosey-ers, who have pushed me up, up and beyond the 1000 mark. Like, seriously. For real. Not joking. Over a thousand.

And just in case any of you random mosey-ers are reading this here celebration post, and blog themselves, and are right this very second thinking to yourself ‘1000, pffft, I did that in my first week’, well you can just shut it. Because this started out as a place for me to vent and complain about most things in my life that irritate me, from an anonymous platform (which I realised as soon as I sent the link to my family was kinda redundant). And it turns out that my rants and raves and occasional picture and recipe are actually kind of interesting to some people. So there.

I do have a place in society. It’s hunched over a Vaio, late at night, when everyone else is asleep and there is nothing better on TV. Lap it up peeps. Cos I am in demand.


To celebrate this auspicious event…

(omg my drunken neighbours just fell over something cos I just heard a way loud crash, damn, why does all the interesting stuff happen late at night when everyone is asleep and I can’t share)

… I am going to post this fairly awesome cookie recipe that I came across on a Real Blog. It’s called Fat Mum Slim and is written by a lady in sydney who I have now stolen recipes such as pancakes from, and added them to my pretty cookbook a certain someone made me for christmas a few years back. I should totes take pics of that cookbook, it would make a nice post.

Anyways… They don’t really have a name so I’ll just call them EveryCookies, and I will explain why as I get to the interesting part in the recipe. The recipe made me about 65 cookies, but I did roll them kinda big.



500g butter

1/2 cup caster sugar

1 can sweetened condensed milk

5 cups self raising flour (yes thats right, 5 cups)



Cream together the butter, sugar and condensed milk. Now, I have quite a large bowl I use for making batters and dough etc. I recommend you also use a pretty huge one. I also used a wooden spoon and elbow grease to cream. If you can, use a mixer. Or get someone else to do it.

Sift the flour in and mix it really well.

Now for the interesting bit. What makes these EveryCookies? I can hear you asking. Well, this is where you throw in whatever you want to the mix. Since it’s so big, I divided it in to 3 and made some choc chip, some snickerdoodles, and some jam drops. Honestly, use your imagination. Try fruit, nuts or lollies. Chantelle at Fat Mum Slim has some great suggestions.

Now roll small teaspoonfuls into balls, and place on a greased or lined tray.

Bake at 180 degrees celsius for 14 mins or til golden.

I have 2 fairly large cookie trays for baking, and I did 2 batches, so 4 trays all up, approx 16 in each tray.

OK so I have a confession to make… clearly I like to bake a little now and then… and yet somehow I still managed to burn possibly about 30 of my EveryCookies (not that it stopped me from eating them, burnt bottoms and all). I blame it squarely on the baby. But I also suggest you keep an eye on the oven temp and time. You know your own oven, and you should be able to tell if it needs adjusting.

I did take photo’s of the huge mound aka Mt Cookie-vius but its 1.28am and I’m not uploading them now. But if you make them, link me your photos.

Go check out Fat Mum Slim since I found them there!


I also wanted to mention the ghost in my house with questionable taste, but that will have to wait til next time…


Nighty night everybody. Happy 1000th!!

The Big 3-0


This is my 30th post!

To celebrate, I’m putting up a picture of my new car. Cos I can.

I picked it up today. Yay! It’s actually the same color as the one in the pic. And when the girl at QLD Transport was showing me the difference between the license plates, she let me pick the one that said MEH!!!! So now I’m going to be driving the MEH-Mobile.

Who’s winning now, Biatch!


OMG I’m watching Winners and Losers and it is frigging riveting! Maybe it’s the fact that I now spend my days watching Yo Gabba Gabba, C-Beebies and The Octonauts, but it is so good to have a decent Aussie show to watch, that is not totally cheezy. Other than Rush and East West 101, there are hardly any Aussie dramas I like. The options are all hospital dramas or police dramas, or about a bunch of people who live in a close proximity to each other… *coughcoughneiiiiiiiiiiighbouuuuuuuuurscoughcough*

For those of you who don’t know the show, it’s about a group of girls who were best friends but drifted apart after high school. They reunite after their reunion, and on a whim, buy a lottery ticket. And win. The show follows the changes in their lives after becoming millionaires. It’s a fun show, with some interesting themes explored.


 The episode tonight was about a car crash, and followed each characters point of view during the aftermath.

I really like the girl who plays Sophie Wong, or So Wong, as the bitchy girls from school used to call her. She is so funny in the Dare ad, and I always giggle when I remember it.

So what do you guys watch?