Monthly Archives: August 2011

Hair today…


I have been thinking about cutting my hair or changing up the hairstyle of late… Not that there is much of a style, as much as a… failure of humanity. I have pretty longish (reaching the bottom half of my back) brown hair. It has this evil wave that is neither proper curly nor proper straight, but somewhere in between. When it wants to play nice it just behaves itself and goes curly (with the help of a lot of product, hair dryer, whip and chair), but it never ever wants to play it straight. Even when I use my super old, super ancient, super…ceded flat iron, it gets this gross, flat, pressed look around the top and towards the ends looks like it is literally waiting for me to lock my front door and then *twang* it’s curly and partying. Of course I could probably solve this particular issue if I had the help of my friend Mr GHD but my budget does not stretch that far (although I will just mention that I know where to buy them for $150, all colors, and my birthday is in October in case anyone was wondering. Just sayin.).


So yeah, I was sort of half toying with the idea of cutting it short but then I’m not really sure I actually want short hair as much as I want a change. And short hair is a commitment for someone who has not had short hair since… I was about 12.

So then I figure I really just need to get out of the ponytail/half-ponytail-half-bun rut. Which is so so true. It’s all I ever do to my hair. Not that the 8 month old or the 8-year-old even notice. What do they care as long as they get fed and watered and played with, right?

So I thought I would present to you all some hair porn. Well. Not really hair porn because if I was going for hair porn then I would probably have all sorts of exciting, far out, serious-work-required-to-maintain hairstyles. Consider this more like… … … Hair home movies. hahahaha.

My hair is sort of like this...


OK I lie it's more like this


I would love to work out how to do this - it's called a waterfall braid.


This looks like a cute 'going out for dinner or lunch or something' type style, but actually I only like it from one side.


I actually like this one too even though it is totally not really me at all. Wish I could figure out how to do it.


Maybe I just need a dash of color.. Love this but I'm guessing it won't work as well on dark hair.


Ah well. Who am I kidding. Even if I got one of these pretty hairstyles going it only lasts a day, with the exception of the tip dyed hair… And then the next day, you know that mess is gonna be in a pony or a half-pony-half-bun.


Oh yeah. And White Wings Creamies? Get away from me. Who the hell invited you in? Get out of my house. You are making serious trouble, encouraging me to eat you. And your friends…


I might go sneak one in before I go to bed….

Someone Buy My Freakin Car! Plz.


I’m selling my car and I really really really really hope someone buys it, ASAP!! I have had it for about a year and a half and unfortunately we have outgrown it. When I put the pram in the car, I cannot fit anything else in the boot. If I put the car seat that K sits in, in the middle position of the backseat, there will be no room for M. It’s a great little car but it is just not made for prams and groceries and nappy bags and kids and school bags, all at once.

It will be sucky to have to get a bigger car, because as my dad keeps reminding me, it just means more fuel = more expensive. And in this day of fuel being more expensive than…. other stuff…. it is certainly a point to be aware of. I wanted to upgrade to a NORMAL FAMILY SIZED CAR but father dearest actually said I’m trying to be bigger than I am!! First of all, who cares if I’m short. We short peoples need to drive places too ya know. And second of all, I am big! Isn’t that what people do? He says it like it’s a bad thing. What the hell does he know. Is he implying I am an undeserving person? I deserve a car that fits me and all my various shit in it, at the same time. Plus have room left over for other people. And since when is there something wrong with trying to be bigger anyway? Heaps of people do it. It’s called being social. Just because I don’t have some servant girl dusting my floor with a broom made out of dead twigs and banana leaves. Because last I heard, father dearest does. Sounds like someone is trying to be big if you ask me. Other than me, that is. Aren’t fathers supposed to be pleased if their daughters

And anyway.

A normal family sized car in this country is not like a Hummer or anything. And since it’s the most popular car on the road in Australia, how can something-hundred-million-thousand people be wrong? Are they ALL trying to be big? Stooopid. I’m getting one. And to round off this non-spite-filled post, above is a picture of a car that could very well be the one I have now. Especially totes appropes since my current car is a VW and so is this one. It’s a sign. That I deserve a big car cos I’m a big person. And not just in mouth.


Stuff this in your cake-hole!



Yesterday was the big day, M’s birthday. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I decided to make him a whole bunch of cookies & cream cupcakes to take to school and share with his classmates. Leading up to the day I started to worry a little. What if I burnt them, what if they didn’t rise properly, what if the oreo’s burned, what if I just couldn’t manage to wrangle a baby while baking and icing 30 odd cupcakes? Sounds pretty petty huh.

I bought the supplies and ingredients a few days earlier – 2 boxes of Greens vanilla cupcake mix, 1 tub of Betty Crocker vanilla frosting, a small stick of butter, 1 double box of Oreos, a single packet of Oreos, a tub of Mini-Oreos (the little tiny ones, about the size of a 5c piece), and some colorful paper wrappers.



I also have a tub of sour cream there, to use as an egg replacer, since we don’t eat eggs.

To start with, I turned on the oven to preheat, opened up the cupcake mix boxes, and made up the batter, following the instructions. It was a little cool that day, even though I had left the butter out for almost an hour to soften a little, it was still kinda hard so I pulled out my stick blender to tzuj it all up together for a minute or 2.

After I finished with the batter, I filled the cupcake tray with the paper wrappers, and then placed an Oreo in the base of each wrapper.



After filling the tray with wrappers, and placing an Oreo in the base of each wrapper, I poured the batter in using a 1/3 cup measuring scoop – it’s the perfect size.



Once the tray has been filled, I baked them in the oven for… I think it was about 23 minutes? By the time I got to around 16 minutes I started to smell a very very slight burning smell… hmmm. The cupcakes looked fine, though. They were cooking beautifully.

The first batch came out and I put them on the cooling rack and repeated everything over again – fill the tray with wrappers, Oreo in the base, top with batter, then back in the oven.

While all this was going on, K decided he was well and truly OVER playing on the floor in the kitchen (I usually give him a bright blue plastic juicer, a red tea strainer, and a plastic sushi mould to play with in there while I’m doing things), OVER playing with his toys in the lounge, and OVER his walker. While this batch was cooking I sat and fed him and played with him for a bit.



I ended up doing another half a tray after the second batch – 30 in total. While they were cooling, I started to crush up the Oreos for the frosting in a small bowl, until they were small chunks.  A few nights ago I did a small test run of the frosting, and decided that I had crushed up the Oreos too fine – I wanted to have some smallish chunks, enough so that you could actually taste the Oreo in the frosting. Once they were too fine, the flavour of the frosting actually took over, and it became vanilla frosting with blackish brownish flecks through it.  




After I crushed up the Oreos and mixed it through the frosting, I started to ice the now-cooled cupcakes. Again, K cracked it, so I ended up doing half of them while holding him, which was just stoooopid cos of course he just wanted to touch touch touch it all.



And then to finish it all off – top each cupcake with a Mini-Oreo! Just in case there is not quite enough sugar in it for you as is.




After I finished baking and icing them I stashed them in some plastic containers in the top of the pantry until the next day… All up it took me a little under 4 hours to make them!

That night I waited until M went to bed, and parked his birthday present – a new BMX bike – in his bedroom, with a big gold rosette on it. I went to bed expecting to be woken up with some squeals or shrieks or something, but instead he stumbled into my room around 7am and very sleepily said ‘Thanks for the new bike, mum’ before slipping into bed to snuggle with us. We lolled about in bed for about 20 mins before I said we had better get up if he wanted to be treated out to breakfast before school.



I got him ready for the school day, then we headed out with all the cupcakes. We stopped off at McDonalds for a birthday breakfast of hotcakes and OJ, then dropped him off at school. He was so proud walking into school with all his cupcakes, and all the other kids stopping, staring, and running over to check it out.



When I picked him up from school, his classmates were walking out saying ‘Thanks M’, and ‘Those were deeeeeeeeeeeeelicious’, and M was beaming. When we got home he unwrapped the rest of his presents – some clothes, a plasma lamp (one of those ones that looks like it has lightning bolts inside it), some stickers, and a new transformer.

While he was out and about, stickering up his bike, test riding it, and modelling his new clothes, I was picking up all the wrapping and tags, then started on his favourite dinner – Tacos! Yum. I love Tacos too, and they are quick and easy to make.



And then, in case you weren’t sick yet, after dinner came the birthday cake. Mud cake with vanilla ice cream. Yum. Of course, at that point M had had pancakes for breakfast, a cupcake for morning tea, only half a vegemite sandwich for lunch (and of course he skipped the apple I packed), and tacos for dinner (which he ate 2 whole tacos piled high with salad and beans). I seriously considered skipping the cake and icecream since he had had pancakes for brekky and the super sweet cupcakes at school, but decided it was a bit mean to bar candles and the Happy Birthday song, haha. It was only about 30 mins before I was due to pick him up from school that I changed my mind and decided to run down to the local and pick up some dessert. And I’m glad that I did, because really, singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles is the real deal moment for me.




And on that note, let me say that I am so glad that I don’t have to do all this for another 365 days… Oh. Hang on. The other kid. Damn…