Tag Archives: Blame Game



We are all sick!! And it’s all P’s fault!!

A few nights ago, K woke up throwing up in his bed. He was sick for the rest of the night, and the next day he had the runs. Not very nice. That day I was busy scrubbing blankets and sheets and airing out the room, and caring for a sick baby… Even though my tummy was feeling a little funky, too..

Then that night as I lay in bed, I couldn’t sleep, and finally thought to myself ‘Stuff it, I’m going to throw up’ and spent the next half hour bent over the toilet bowl.

The next morning K was still unwell and I was definitely unwell, but I bundled M off to school, got home, and set up camp on the couch. When M got home from school, he sat down on the couch and said ‘I don’t feel well.’ About 2 mins later he sat up suddenly and said ‘Whats the cure to not spew up?’ and promptly spewed all over the carpet. I said ‘Run to the bathroom!!’ which he did, spewing all the way. He got to the bathroom and decorated the walls, the door, and all over the toilet. Charming. After I made him take a bath he got in bed and fell asleep.

I made a pot of Miso soup in case anyone felt like eating, but none of us really did.

In the middle of the night I heard M calling out to me ‘MUM!’ I jumped up and ran out to see him and sure enough he was power chucking all through his bed. I got him up out of bed, changed his jammies, got him a glass of water and put him to bed in the spare room, while I stripped his bed, threw everything in the washer, then rushed to K who was by then wondering what all the bloody commotion was about.

So today M is camped out on the lounge in his jammies, K has eaten something finally, and I am madly trying to wash every soft furnishing in the house since nearly everything is covered in spew, all while attending to 2 whingy, sick kids. At least I am feeling a bit better today. I might even eat something.

Oh, and I got a new car, which I will pick up next week. Unfortunately the sickness has put a bit of a dampener on the excitement. Pics to come.

The point of my story?

IT’S ALL P’S FAULT!! At least she had blue frog cake.