Tag Archives: vom



We are all sick!! And it’s all P’s fault!!

A few nights ago, K woke up throwing up in his bed. He was sick for the rest of the night, and the next day he had the runs. Not very nice. That day I was busy scrubbing blankets and sheets and airing out the room, and caring for a sick baby… Even though my tummy was feeling a little funky, too..

Then that night as I lay in bed, I couldn’t sleep, and finally thought to myself ‘Stuff it, I’m going to throw up’ and spent the next half hour bent over the toilet bowl.

The next morning K was still unwell and I was definitely unwell, but I bundled M off to school, got home, and set up camp on the couch. When M got home from school, he sat down on the couch and said ‘I don’t feel well.’ About 2 mins later he sat up suddenly and said ‘Whats the cure to not spew up?’ and promptly spewed all over the carpet. I said ‘Run to the bathroom!!’ which he did, spewing all the way. He got to the bathroom and decorated the walls, the door, and all over the toilet. Charming. After I made him take a bath he got in bed and fell asleep.

I made a pot of Miso soup in case anyone felt like eating, but none of us really did.

In the middle of the night I heard M calling out to me ‘MUM!’ I jumped up and ran out to see him and sure enough he was power chucking all through his bed. I got him up out of bed, changed his jammies, got him a glass of water and put him to bed in the spare room, while I stripped his bed, threw everything in the washer, then rushed to K who was by then wondering what all the bloody commotion was about.

So today M is camped out on the lounge in his jammies, K has eaten something finally, and I am madly trying to wash every soft furnishing in the house since nearly everything is covered in spew, all while attending to 2 whingy, sick kids. At least I am feeling a bit better today. I might even eat something.

Oh, and I got a new car, which I will pick up next week. Unfortunately the sickness has put a bit of a dampener on the excitement. Pics to come.

The point of my story?

IT’S ALL P’S FAULT!! At least she had blue frog cake.

Mhhhhh Yummy


I just had an awesome idea. Let me start at the beginning. A friend dropped by this morning, and was cuddling K. She left a few hours ago, but I can still smell her perfume on him. Usually he smells all yummy and cuddly and sweet and squishy and edible. Now he smells all yummy and cuddly and sweet and squishy and edible, and vanilla milkshaky (I don’t know what kind of perfume she had on but that is my interpretation). So of course my brilliant self has decided to share with y’all my idea –

Howzabout someone invent a perfume that smells like baby (nice baby not stinky-something-just-died-inside-my-butt baby) and milkshakes?


Yep. Someone should suss that out. Then just hit me up for where to send my cheque to.


EWWWW just as I finished writing this, K had an attack of ‘stinky-something-just-died-inside-my-butt-baby’.

All. Over. My. Pants.




And so it begins…


Ok, so I have been thinking of blogging for a few years. I have always hesitated, because I didn’t think I had anything interesting to say. But then I look back over my life in the last few years, and realise I have had so many exciting things happen to me.

I have left my country (Australia), and road tripped the West Coast of the USA with my son when he was just 4. I was based in Las Vegas, and hit up Mexico and Hawaii. I got home in time to be the Hag of Honor at my little sisters wedding. I met and fell in love with a wonderful man, who it turns out, I have known since I was 6. I got engaged. I started Uni. I moved interstate. I got pregnant and had a baby. I took a break from Uni to be a mumma again.

All the while, I partied. Hard. Well, ok, not while I was pregnant. But the rest of the time was filled with boozy club crawls, tequila shots & dirty martinis, dancing in the middle of the bush to hypnotic trance tunes, random and hilarious encounters, loads of vom, and some seriously embarrassing Kodak moments.

See, I became a mumma when I was just 18, which is the legal age here in Australia. So while my friends were out getting their drink on, and, well, being young adults, I was at home changing nappies, paying bills, and worrying about what to cook my family for dinner. Then all of a sudden I found myself as a single parent. It took me almost a year, but by the time my son was 3 I was making up for all the time I had lost. While being a single working parent. When I found myself burning out, I packed it all in, bundled my son and I up, and hit the skies. We spent around 6 months travelling, visiting family, and having new experiences. And since I was based in Vegas, suffice to say there was still a lot of partying. It wasn’t easy. But it was all part of my journey.

Now the partying has died down, and I have 2 beautiful boys.

I’m currently taking a break from my degree, and decided that maybe writing this blog would be the best way to keep my mind sharp. Blowing raspberries and singing nursery rhymes is awesome, don’t get me wrong. But some days I feel a little stagnant. I see a bookstore and it’s like the call of the wild. I talk to friends who are deep into their degree’s, and start to feel out of my depth.

Like, I’m really good when it comes to building a tower with blocks, but I can’t remember how to build a cumulative sentence.

So. this blog is born. I named it domestic dreamer, because I’m always dreaming about how wonderful my future will be ‘if I can just have HER hairstyle’, ‘if I can just get that floor lamp’, ‘if I can bake those triple chocolate chip cookies’, ‘if I can just get the latest John Grisham’, or most importantly, ‘if I can just finish my freaking degree, get an awesome job, and make loads of money!’

So bear with me while I try to get there…